“Developments should be designed where practical to incorporate facilities for charging and plug-in low emission vehicles.”
- Tunbridge Wells Borough Council
Property & Land Developers
The need to consider the EV in the early stages of planning is now crucial along with all other modes of clean green transport both private and public.
Early planning and consideration to the available power supply and/or cost of upgrading the supply will need to be looked at early in the planning process.
Listen to the REVOLUTION podcast Top 5 EV charging considerations for property developers
What type of usage will the site have?
Domestic homes - with off street parking will each want their own charge point as the most convenient way of charging and at 7kW per domestic socket it can be a considerable power demand. If no off-street parking is available then how will you provide the required EV charging, where is the supply coming from and who is managing this going forward. We will help you resolve the issues and find the best way forward.
Commercial property - Car parking spaces need to have EV charging , the switch to PHEV and full BEV is taking place now and this includes vans .The commercial premises needs to factor in differing types of vehicles with requirements to charge both quickly and overnight, we help you with the right solutions for your property.
Land owners- The land you own maybe suitable and desirable to EV fuel station developers and this could create a revenue stream, there are a number of options available for property developers and land owners, so how do you navigate all of the options without tying yourself into a lengthy lease that is not beneficial to your business. We offer consultancy services at the front end and explore the options with you and recommend solutions to suit your site and your needs.
One Stop Shop
EV Driver can help on an advisory level right through to supply, installation and management of your charge units.
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) published by the Government in March 2012 sets out the national planning policy for England.
References to the provision of EV Charging facilities can be found within: “plans should protect and exploit opportunities for the use of sustainable transport modes for the movement of goods or people” and that developments should be “designed where practical to incorporate facilities for charging and plug-in and other ultra-low emission vehicles”.
Be part of the network
Your charge units can be part of a wider public network of charge points, let us help you be part of a brand everyone knows and trusts, they will look out for the sites that have these charge units as they know they can rely and trust in the service provided.
Customers will actively seek you out because you have provided a much needed service, they tend to stay longer and spend more in store too!